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will mortgage lender accept indemnity insurance

Will Mortgage Lenders Accept Indemnity Insurance?

When you are looking to purchase a home, one of the biggest hurdles you will face is securing a mortgage. Many factors are considered by mortgage lenders when deciding whether or not to approve an application, and one of these factors is the level of risk involved in the loan. In some cases, mortgage lenders may require additional security to reduce their risk, and this is where indemnity insurance comes into play.

Indemnity insurance is a type of insurance policy that helps protect a mortgage lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan. This type of insurance can give lenders peace of mind and may even make it easier for borrowers to secure a mortgage. But will mortgage lenders in the UK accept indemnity insurance? Let’s take a closer look at this question.

What is Indemnity Insurance?

Indemnity insurance, also known as mortgage indemnity insurance or MIG, is a type of insurance policy that is designed to protect mortgage lenders in the event that a borrower defaults on their mortgage payments and the property is repossessed. In this situation, the insurance policy would cover any shortfall between the sale price of the property and the outstanding mortgage balance.

Indemnity insurance can be particularly useful for first-time buyers who may not have a large deposit saved, as it allows them to secure a mortgage with a lower deposit. However, it’s important to note that the cost of the insurance is typically paid by the borrower, and it does not provide any protection for the borrower.

Do Mortgage Lenders Accept Indemnity Insurance?

The acceptance of indemnity insurance by mortgage lenders can vary, and it largely depends on the individual lender’s policies and risk appetite. In the past, indemnity insurance was a common feature of the mortgage market in the UK, particularly during the 1980s and 1990s when high loan-to-value (LTV) mortgages were more prevalent.

However, in recent years, the use of indemnity insurance has declined, and many lenders now require borrowers to have a larger deposit rather than relying on insurance to reduce their risk. This is due in part to changes in lending practices and regulations, as well as a desire to reduce the potential impact of a housing market downturn.

That being said, there are still some mortgage lenders in the UK who will accept indemnity insurance, particularly for borrowers with a lower deposit or those who may not meet the standard lending criteria. These lenders may view indemnity insurance as a way to mitigate their risk and offer mortgages to a wider range of borrowers.

It’s important to note that not all lenders will accept indemnity insurance, and those that do may have specific requirements and restrictions. For example, some lenders may only accept indemnity insurance on certain types of properties or for borrowers with a strong credit history.

How Mortgage Knight Can Help

If you are considering taking out a mortgage and are unsure whether indemnity insurance is an option for you, Mortgage Knight can help. As a leading mortgage broker in the UK, Mortgage Knight has access to a wide range of mortgage products from different lenders, including those who accept indemnity insurance.

Our expert advisors can assess your individual circumstances and help you find the right mortgage product for your needs, whether that includes indemnity insurance or not. We understand the complexities of the mortgage market and can provide tailored advice to help you navigate the process and secure the best deal.

Contacting Mortgage Knight does not affect your credit rating, so you can explore your options with confidence. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and can guide you through every step of the mortgage application process.

If you are interested in learning more about how Mortgage Knight can help you with all your mortgage needs, including indemnity insurance, please get in touch with us today. We are here to support you and ensure that you have access to the best mortgage products available in the UK market.


Indemnity insurance can be a useful tool for borrowers who are struggling to secure a mortgage due to a lower deposit or other factors. While acceptance of indemnity insurance by mortgage lenders in the UK has declined in recent years, there are still lenders who will consider this type of insurance as a way to mitigate their risk and offer mortgages to a wider range of borrowers.

If you are considering taking out a mortgage and are unsure whether indemnity insurance is an option for you, it’s important to seek expert advice. Mortgage Knight can help you navigate the complexities of the mortgage market and find the right mortgage product for your needs, whether that includes indemnity insurance or not.

Contacting Mortgage Knight does not affect your credit rating, so you can explore your options with confidence. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and can guide you through every step of the mortgage application process. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with all your mortgage needs.

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