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limited company btl mortgage rates

Limited Company BTL Mortgage Rates in the UK

If you’re a property investor in the UK, you may be considering using a limited company to hold your buy-to-let (BTL) properties. There are many reasons why this could be beneficial, including tax advantages and asset protection. However, securing a mortgage for a limited company BTL property can be more complex than for a personal property. In this article, we will explore the current limited company BTL mortgage rates in the UK and how Mortgage Knight can help you navigate this process with ease.

The Buy-To-Let Market in the UK

The UK’s buy-to-let market has long been a popular choice for property investors. The demand for rental properties continues to be strong, and the potential for capital growth in certain areas makes BTL properties an attractive investment. With the changes to tax laws in recent years, many investors have turned to using limited companies as a way to mitigate the impact of these changes.

One of the main benefits of using a limited company for BTL properties is the ability to claim mortgage interest as a business expense, which can result in significant tax savings. Additionally, holding properties in a limited company can provide asset protection and succession planning benefits. However, accessing mortgage finance for limited company BTL properties can be more challenging than for personal properties.

Limited Company BTL Mortgage Rates

Limited company BTL mortgage rates are typically higher than rates for personal BTL mortgages. This is because lenders perceive limited company BTL mortgages to be higher risk due to the complexities of underwriting and the potential for increased defaults. However, there are still competitive rates available in the market for those looking to secure financing for their limited company BTL properties.

The rates for limited company BTL mortgages will vary depending on the lender, the specific property, and the financial profile of the borrower. Currently, rates for limited company BTL mortgages in the UK range from around 3% to 5%, although rates can be higher for those with less favorable financial profiles or for properties in certain areas.

It’s important to note that the lending criteria for limited company BTL mortgages can also be stricter than for personal BTL mortgages. Lenders will often require the company to meet certain income and asset requirements, and they may also scrutinize the financial profiles of the company directors and shareholders. This can make securing financing for limited company BTL properties a more complex process.

How Mortgage Knight Can Help

Navigating the complexities of limited company BTL mortgages in the UK can be a daunting task. That’s where Mortgage Knight comes in. We are a specialist mortgage broker with extensive experience in securing financing for limited company BTL properties. Our team of experts understands the unique requirements of limited company BTL mortgages and can help you find the best rates and terms for your specific needs.

When you work with Mortgage Knight, you can expect personalized service and tailored solutions. We will take the time to understand your financial goals and property investment strategy, and we will leverage our network of lenders to find the most competitive rates for your limited company BTL mortgage. Our goal is to make the mortgage process as smooth and seamless as possible, so you can focus on growing your property portfolio.

Contacting us for a consultation does not affect your credit rating, so you can explore your options with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned property investor or new to the buy-to-let market, Mortgage Knight can provide the expertise and support you need to secure the financing for your limited company BTL properties.

In conclusion, limited company BTL mortgage rates in the UK are competitive, albeit slightly higher than rates for personal BTL mortgages. Securing financing for limited company BTL properties can be more complex, but with the right guidance and support, it is entirely achievable. Mortgage Knight specializes in securing financing for limited company BTL properties and can help you navigate the process with ease. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with all your mortgage needs.

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